Performance optimization
Most top-class racing teams rely on minimum-lap-time simulation to optimize the performance of their vehicle. Setting up a tool to perform such simulations can be a lengthy and complex process. Dynamotion Optimal Maneuver Simulation (OMS) enables users new to motorcycle minimum-time simulation to kick-start this activity.
OMS integrates a set of tried-and-tested components in a single software package, together with an easy-to-use user interface. The software allows finding the optimal control strategy (steering, throttle and brake inputs) that allows minimizing the lap time, together with the resulting dynamics of the vehicle (trajectory, speed, roll angle, suspension travels, etc.). Sensitivity analysis on any vehicle model parameter can identify the best vehicle configuration for a given racetrack.
OMS employs:
- non-linear optimal control techniques
- a three-dimensional road representation
- an advanced multibody vehicle model, widely validated against experimental data logs.
Track building is also covered by OMS, allowing the creation of simulation-ready track files starting from track border coordinates.
Dynamotion can provide assistance in:
- measuring the vehicle characteristics necessary to build the motorcycle’s numerical model (Inertial measurements and Tire Characterization)
- building the track model
- performing minimum-lap-time simulation as a service