Dynamotion develops algorithms for the simulation, optimization and control of machines.
When developing a product with specific dynamic features, simulation software can foresee its behavior from the very beginning of the development process. Existing commercial multiphysics simulation software are rather powerful, but they require a level of detail and information which, in the first steps of the development, cannot be known. Moreover, if your system interacts with third-party mechanisms and you do not have all the detailed information, a lumped-parameter model is faster and easier to use. Vibrations, resonance or noise generation problems can be evaluated and managed from the beginning of the project.
Dynamotion develops models starting from the physical aspect of the system (so called ‘first-principles models’), merging them with the experimental data available from the customer, or planning and performing specific measurement campaigns when necessary. In many cases it is possible to take advantage of tax reliefs or public founds for innovation or digitalization.